Monday, March 10, 2014

Touching and Kissing

After the kidos are in bed, I like to read or knit. HubbyHubby likes to watch TV.

We do different things, but sit together -- right smack next to each other.

We hold hands.  I put my hand on his thigh. He puts his arm around me.  Whatever.
You know... we touch.

While making breakfast or dinner, I give HubbyHubby a pat or pinch on the butt. Maybe a kiss. A sweet flirty look. I lick my lips.

HubbyHubby loves the flirty-touchy attention at random times of day.  Men love a good squeeze. Or hot kiss in the ear.  Make it short and sweet.  Pretend you don't want to get caught by the kids, or by the neighbors through the window. That's hot.

What opportunities do you have during the day to put your hands (or lips) on your hubby?

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